Oranges are one of the blessings of Mother Nature. They are not only salivating and tasty but oranges also refresh your taste quickly. However, when you try to eat them and you have your dog around, you might always wonder if dogs can eat oranges or whether oranges are bad for your dog.

Well, if you want to end your confusion and know the truth about oranges and your dogs, then you have to keep on reading below. In this article, we have talked in detail about oranges and dogs so that you know everything before giving a slice to your beloved furry friend.

Can Dogs Eat Oranges?

Orange is a very tasty and healthy fruit. And, as like as you, your dog can also eat oranges to refresh their taste buds and feel good instantly. The sweet-sour taste of this amazing fruit is loved by your furry friend and can be a great treat.

However, you must also know that even though it’s safe for your little pup to eat oranges, this citrus food doesn’t offer any extra benefit to your pup’s health or nutritional profile. It only serves as a tasty treat to make your doggo happy.

Another thing you should also consider before giving oranges to your dog is its health conditions. If your pup is suffering from any specific medical condition, it’s best that you keep this fruit at arm’s length from it.

Can Dogs Drink Orange Juice?

Even though oranges are not harmful to your dog and don’t cause any toxicity, the story is very different when it comes to orange juice. Even when you make the juice out of fresh, organic oranges, experts still don’t recommend letting your furry friend drink this because of obvious reasons.

can dog eat oranges

For starters, orange juice is rich in vitamin C, which means that it is too acidic. Such acidic drink can instantly cause stomach problems and result in a persistent stomach ache. The raw acids can also damage their enamel and teeth over time, making them suffer endlessly.

On the other hand, if you add sugar to reduce the acidity, it’s even worse for your little pet. Sugar, in general, has its disadvantages. A sugary drink can cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, and can even lead to seizures.  Sugar can also dehydrate the dog.

If your pet loves oranges, give it a piece or two of fresh orange for binge eating. However, avoid the orange juice entirely.

What Types of Oranges Can Dogs Eat?

When all know that there are different types of oranges available and safe to eat. From mandarins and tangerines to navel, Satsuma and clementine, we bring all sorts of oranges to our home to enjoy their taste. While all these oranges are good for the human body, your dogs can eat them too.

Resource: petguide.com

However, among all these varieties, navel oranges are the best because they are the seedless type. When your pup has these oranges, you don’t have to be too careful [about removing the seeds] to avoid choking hazards.

How Much Of An Orange Can Dogs Eat?

By now you know that oranges are not bad for your dog and don’t cause any toxicity or health issues. However, the real concern arises when it comes to the number of oranges you can give your puppy to eat- how much orange is not too much for your dog?

Well, when it comes to the amount of oranges you should give your dog; it’s best to give this fruit in great moderation. For instance, you can treat your beloved furry friend with 1 to 2 segments of an orange per day to keep it happy as well as to maintain its health. But then again, even though the amount is very moderate, you still must observe how the pet reacts each time you feed oranges to it.

Resource: whole-dog-journal.com

When Is Orange Bad for Your Dog?

In general, oranges are good for your dogs. This fruit is not toxic or cause any health problems to your beloved little dog. However, there are some exceptional cases when oranges are not the best treat for your beloved pet.

Resource: dogtime.com

And when is that?

Well, when your furry friend has diabetes, you should never let it have oranges in any shape or form to avoid any deadly problems. The slight amount of sugar along with the high content of Vitamin C in the orange can alter the blood values in a diabetic dog and result in some serious health issues.

In addition to avoiding oranges for diabetic dogs, you must also keep this fruit away from young, growing puppies. This is because, puppies are sensitive, and if by any chance, the acidic content of the orange causes any problems in its stomach or intestine, your little puppy would suffer from severe gastrointestinal problems, which might even lead to death.

Signs of Orange Toxicity in Dogs

If by any chance your diabetic dog or little puppy eats oranges or even drink orange juice, they might suffer from toxicity immediately. Some prominent signs of orange toxicity in dogs and puppies are:

  • Stomach ache
  • Vomiting
  • Loose motion
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Appetite loss
  • Drooling or salivating
  • Depression

Resource: wagwalking.com

How To Prepare An Orange For Your Dog?

Even though oranges are in general not toxic or bad for your dog, you must still prepare them perfectly before letting your favorite furry friend have these fruits. To make sure that this citrusy fruit doesn’t cause any health hazards in your dog, we have discussed the preparation stages of orange for incredible safety.

Step 1

Start off by washing and cleaning the orange properly. If you have taken the fruit freshly out of the tree, then don’t forget to remove the stem and leaves.

Step 2

Peel off the skin and then peel the orange rind to avoid any choking hazards in your dog. Don’t forget to clean all the rind and white skin from the orange.

Step 3

Now that you have a perfectly cleaned fruit, split it open and see if there are any rind left. Remove them as well if there are any left.

Step 4

It’s now time to remove the seeds or pips gently from the orange piece without squeezing it. And voila, the orange is ready for your precious furry friend.

You can either freeze it or give it fresh as a treat to your pup.

Can My Dog Eat Orange Peels?

As much tasty and non-toxic the orange is, we cannot say the same about orange peels. If you ask us whether your dog can eat orange peels or not, we would say NO.  There are quite a few reasons we don’t recommend giving orange peels to your pet. First of all, these are not easy to digest.

Resource: rover.com

 As the peels don’t digest quickly and easily, they have the potential to cause intestinal obstruction and lead to severe health problems.

Moreover, the orange peel oil can lead to stomach upset and cause severe stomach ache. It can also result in vomiting and diarrhea in some extreme cases. And for all these reasons, it is extremely important that you remove the peel of the orange completely before giving it to your little furry friend.

Can Dogs Eat Other Citrus Fruit?

Even though your little dog loves orange and it is safe too, not all citrus fruit is non-toxic for the pet. Citrusy fruit like lemon, lime and grapefruits are too acidic for your precious pup and cause stomach issues right away. And as these fruits impose health risk on your dog, you should avoid them in any shape or form to ensure your pet’s best health.

Final Words

In this article, we have tried to cover every aspect of the relation between a dog’s health and eating oranges. And after going through the whole writing, we can assure you that oranges are not a bad fruit for your dog if you give them in a moderate amount every now and then. In fact, this salivating fruit can be an excellent treat for your beloved furry friend, especially during the summertime.

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